Our Beloved "Kid" SubSpace Navigation Celebrated its 15 Years Old Birthday

Happy 15th birthday, SubSpace! Can you believe we've been nurturing this "kid" for 15 amazing years? It's grown into a rockstar in its field, and we couldn't have done it without each and every one of you! 

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible customers who have not just loved our product but have played a vital role in helping us shape and refine it! (don't worry, it's alcohol free)

SubSpace Navigation is now not just an app but a full-fledged personality:

  • Organized Explorer: Master the art of streamlined links, spaces, and queries, all neatly packed in a centralized menu.
  • Free Spirit Customizer: Personalize your menus with a dash of your personality - icons, logos, and colors that scream "YOU"!
  • Team Player Extraordinaire: Elevate your wiki experience with the magic of the Navigation macro – because SubSpace believes in teamwork!

Feeling generous for its birthday?  Share the love by leaving a birthday review - it's the coolest gift ever!  Here's to fifteen years of smooth navigation and limitless exploration - the best is yet to come!